Elk Update

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Elk Update

Post by kault »

Elk is a popular and venerable flying site for those that like to hike and fly. It is also attracting the attention of some newer members and that is a good thing. Here is an update and a few protocol and logistical considerations.
First, a reminder that the Elk hike is challenging and conditions can be changeable, so only undertake it if you are prepared to hike down. If your experience on Elk is limited or non-existent, connect with an experienced pilot to get the full onsite briefing. You'll feel a lot better about your experience!

1. The two regular LZs are A) "Eddy's Field" and B) "Prest"

A) Eddy's Field - Long used by parahikers, this nine acre farm is surrounded by power lines, unlevel, can be full of cow shit. It also gets very turbulent in the spring and summer after 10 am. The regular parahikers usually start hiking at 7 in the thermal season so as to be down before 10 am. This is an advanced LZ and no one should land there without Eddy's permission and a full briefing. One pilot hit the hard-to-see upper 14,000 V power lines several years ago, was hung upside down like a bat for two hours and cut the power to the entire community. Fortunately, he escaped uninjured.
UPDATE: The field across from Eddy's (to the south) is much larger and safer and often used by less experienced pilots and experienced pilots when it is turbulent. However, this property has just changed owners and Eddy wants to talk with the new owner to secure landing permission before we use it so this field is off limits for now.

B) Prest means the field on the SW corner of the roundabout at Prest and Bailey Roads. This is a long glide (9km) and generally not doable in west wind conditions (from 11 am on in the spring and summer). We tend to fly to Prest in light outflow conditions mainly during the fall and winter months. The field has been only casually approved by the landowner who reminds everyone not leave any solid objects in the field that might be run over by a machine.
Everyone should bundle their gear up and get out of the field asap, climb the gate on the hinged side and pack your gear up across the street to minimize tromping around in the farmer's field.

Finally, Eddy has asked that we respect his privacy and not knock on his door without a proper introduction from a known pilot. He is not operating a school or a guiding operation and he would rather not feel obliged to host persons he doesn't know.
Elk to Prest.jpeg
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Elk to Eddy's.jpeg
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